
How To Take Good Iphone Photos

You love capturing every special moment in life with your iPhone, but sometimes the photos don’t turn out as amazing as you had hoped. Well, worry no more! In this article, we will share some valuable tips and tricks to help you take stunning iPhone photos. From mastering composition and lighting to exploring hidden features of your camera app, you’ll soon be capturing Instagram-worthy shots that will amaze your friends and family. So grab your iPhone, and let’s dive into the world of taking good iPhone photos!

Understanding the iPhone Camera Features

The iPhone camera is packed with a wide range of features that can help you capture stunning photos. Understanding and utilizing these camera features can significantly improve the quality of your iPhone photos. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key camera modes and settings available on your iPhone.

How To Take Good Iphone Photos

Different Camera Modes

The iPhone offers various camera modes to suit different shooting scenarios. To access these modes, simply open the Camera app and swipe left or right to toggle between them. The most commonly used camera modes include Photo, Video, Portrait, and Panorama.

The Photo mode is the default mode that allows you to capture still images with ease. The Video mode enables you to record high-quality videos, perfect for capturing memorable moments in motion. The Portrait mode is ideal for capturing professional-looking portraits with a pleasing depth-of-field effect, while Panorama mode is great for capturing wide landscapes and scenic views.

Adjusting Exposure and Focus

To ensure a well-exposed and correctly focused photo, it’s essential to know how to adjust the exposure and focus on your iPhone camera. When you open the Camera app, simply tap on the area of the screen where you want to set the focus. You’ll notice a yellow box indicating the focus point. Additionally, you can adjust the exposure by sliding your finger up or down on the screen.

By adjusting the exposure, you can control the brightness and darkness of your photos. This is especially useful when you’re shooting in tricky lighting conditions, such as low-light environments or bright sunny days. Experiment with different exposure levels until you achieve the desired effect.

Using HDR

HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, and it’s a feature that can help you capture more detail in your photos, particularly in high-contrast situations. When HDR mode is enabled, your iPhone camera captures multiple images at different exposure levels and combines them into a single photo. This results in a well-balanced image with enhanced shadows and highlights.

To enable HDR, go to the Camera app and tap on the “HDR” option. You can choose between “Auto,” “On,” or “Off” depending on your preferences. The “Auto” setting allows your iPhone to automatically determine when to use HDR based on the lighting conditions. It’s generally recommended to leave HDR in “Auto” mode so that your iPhone can make the best decision for each specific scene.

Using Burst Mode

Burst mode is a fantastic feature that allows you to capture a burst of photos in rapid succession. This is particularly useful when capturing fast-moving subjects or trying to achieve the perfect action shot. To activate burst mode, simply press and hold the shutter button, and your iPhone will capture a series of photos.

Once you’ve captured a burst of photos, you can go through them and select the best shots. To do this, open the Photos app, find the burst photo album, and select the burst you want to review. From there, you can swipe through the images and choose your favorites. Burst mode is an excellent tool for ensuring you never miss that perfect shot.

Composing Your Shot

Composing your shot is an essential aspect of photography that can greatly impact the overall look and feel of your photos. By following a few composition techniques, you can elevate your iPhone photography to new heights.

Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is a fundamental compositional guideline that can help you create visually appealing images. Imagine your image divided into a grid of nine equal parts (like a tic-tac-toe board). The rule of thirds suggests placing the main elements of your photo along these gridlines or at their points of intersection.

To apply the rule of thirds on your iPhone, go to the Camera app’s settings and turn on the “Grid” option. Now, when you frame your shot, align the key elements along the gridlines or their intersections. This technique naturally draws the viewer’s eye to these points, creating a visually balanced composition.

Leading Lines

Leading lines are lines within your image that lead the viewer’s eye towards the main subject or point of interest. These lines could be anything from roads, railings, fences, or even tree branches. By consciously incorporating leading lines into your composition, you can add depth and guide the viewer’s gaze in a particular direction.

When looking for leading lines, keep an eye out for natural or man-made elements that seem to converge or point towards your subject. Position yourself accordingly to capture these leading lines, and you’ll notice a significant improvement in the visual impact of your photos.

Foreground and Background

Including a foreground and background in your composition can add a sense of depth and interest to your photos. When composing your shot, consider incorporating elements that create an engaging foreground, a middle ground, and a background. This layered approach can make your photos more visually captivating.

To create a compelling foreground, look for objects or elements that are closer to you and place them in the front of your frame. These foreground elements could be anything from flowers, rocks, or even people. Experiment with different distances and perspectives to find the right balance between the foreground, middle ground, and background.


Framing is a composition technique that involves using elements within the scene to frame and draw attention to the main subject. By positioning objects such as archways, doorways, or even tree branches around your subject, you can create a visually pleasing frame that adds depth and context to your photo.

When using framing, pay attention to how the framing element interacts with the subject. Ensure that the frame doesn’t overpower the main subject but instead enhances its presence within the photo. This technique can create a more immersive and visually stimulating composition.

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Lighting and Exposure

Understanding how to work with lighting and exposure is crucial for capturing well-balanced and visually appealing photos. Whether you’re shooting in natural light or utilizing artificial lighting, understanding how light affects your photos will significantly enhance the quality of your iPhone photography.

Natural Light

Natural light is a photographer’s best friend. When shooting outdoors during the day, take advantage of natural light to illuminate your subjects. The soft, diffused light during the golden hour (the hour after sunrise and the hour before sunset) is particularly flattering for portraits and landscapes.

Keep in mind that the direction of light also plays a crucial role in your photos. Front lighting (light hitting your subject directly from the front) creates even and well-lit images, while side lighting (light hitting your subject from the side) can add depth and dimension. Experiment with different lighting angles to find the most pleasing effect for your specific scene.

Avoiding Harsh Shadows

Harsh shadows can be challenging to deal with, especially when shooting in bright daylight or under strong overhead lights. These shadows can create unflattering and distracting elements in your photos. To avoid harsh shadows, look for areas of open shade or diffuse the light source.

In outdoor environments, seek out shaded areas where the lighting is more evenly distributed. This can be under trees, building overhangs, or even using a diffuser if you have one available. When shooting indoors, try to soften harsh lights by using curtains or blinds to control the amount of light entering the room.

Using Artificial Lighting

While natural light is excellent for photography, there may be situations where you need additional lighting. Investing in portable LED lights or using household lamps can help you achieve better lighting conditions for your photos. These artificial lighting sources can be particularly useful for indoor photography or when shooting in low-light environments.

When using artificial lighting, ensure that it is diffused and evenly spread across your subject. Harsh, direct lighting can create unflattering highlights and shadows. Experiment with different lighting angles and intensities to find the perfect balance for your desired aesthetic.

Adjusting Exposure

Exposure refers to the brightness or darkness of a photo. Sometimes, the automatic exposure setting on your iPhone may not capture the scene exactly as you envisioned it. In such cases, it’s essential to know how to manually adjust the exposure to achieve the desired effect.

To manually adjust the exposure on your iPhone, tap on the area of the screen where you want to set the focus. Once the yellow box indicating the focus point appears, you’ll notice a small sun symbol next to it. By sliding your finger up or down on the screen, you can adjust the exposure level accordingly.

Experiment with different exposure levels to find the perfect balance for your specific scene. A brighter exposure may be necessary for capturing vibrant landscapes, while a slightly darker exposure can add drama to your photos.

Mastering the Manual Controls

The iPhone camera offers several manual controls that allow you to have more creative control over your photos. By mastering these manual controls, you can take your iPhone photography to the next level and achieve the exact look and feel you desire.

How To Take Good Iphone Photos

Using Manual Focus

Manual focus allows you to precisely control what part of the image is in focus. To utilize manual focus on your iPhone camera, simply tap on the area of the screen where you want to set the focus. You’ll notice a yellow box indicating the focus point.

This manual focus control is particularly useful when you want to bring attention to a specific subject or create a shallow depth-of-field effect. Experiment with different focus points to see how it can dramatically impact the composition and overall feel of your photos.

Adjusting White Balance

White balance refers to the color temperature of your photos. By adjusting white balance, you can ensure that the colors in your photos appear accurate and true to life. The correct white balance setting can greatly enhance the overall mood and atmosphere of your images.

To adjust the white balance on your iPhone, go to the Camera app’s settings and tap on the “WB” (White Balance) option. You’ll have different preset options to choose from, such as Auto, Incandescent, Fluorescent, and Sunny. Experiment with these options to see how they affect the colors in your photos and choose the one that best suits the scene’s lighting conditions.

Controlling Shutter Speed

Shutter speed determines how long the camera’s shutter remains open when taking a photo. By controlling the shutter speed, you can either freeze fast-moving subjects or create motion blur for a more dynamic effect. However, keep in mind that adjusting the shutter speed manually is only available through third-party camera apps.

When using a third-party camera app, look for a manual mode that allows you to adjust the shutter speed setting. This can be particularly useful for capturing action shots, long-exposure shots, or creative effects such as light trails. Experiment with different shutter speeds to achieve the desired effect for your specific scene.

Setting ISO

ISO refers to the sensitivity of the camera’s image sensor to light. A higher ISO value makes the camera more sensitive to light, allowing you to capture images in low-light conditions. However, increasing the ISO too much can introduce noise or grain into your photos.

To control the ISO setting on your iPhone, go to the Camera app’s settings and tap on the “ISO” option. You’ll have different ISO values to choose from, ranging from the lowest (ISO 25) to the highest (ISO 3200). Find the right balance between the ISO setting and other manual controls (such as shutter speed) to achieve well-exposed photos without excessive noise.

Utilizing Editing Tools

Once you’ve captured your photos, it’s time to bring out their full potential through editing. The iPhone offers built-in editing tools in the Photos app, but you can also explore third-party editing apps for more advanced editing capabilities.

Basic Editing in the Photos App

The Photos app on your iPhone provides a range of basic editing tools that can help you enhance your photos easily. These tools include adjustments for exposure, brightness, contrast, saturation, and more. Simply open the Photos app, select the photo you want to edit, and tap on the “Edit” button.

From there, you can swipe left or right to access different editing options. Experiment with the various sliders and adjustments to fine-tune the look of your photo. The Photos app also offers cropping, rotation, and straightening tools to help you refine your compositions further.

Exploring Third-Party Editing Apps

While the built-in editing tools in the Photos app are handy, third-party editing apps offer a wider range of creative possibilities. Apps like Snapseed, VSCO, and Adobe Lightroom provide advanced editing capabilities, including selective adjustments, advanced filters, and professional-grade editing tools.

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By exploring these apps, you can take your editing skills to the next level and achieve more unique and artistic results. Experiment with different editing techniques, such as applying presets, adjusting color curves, or adding textures, to create a personal style that sets your photos apart.

Adjusting Brightness and Contrast

Brightness and contrast are essential elements of a well-edited photo. Adjusting the brightness can make the image more vibrant and eye-catching, while adjusting the contrast can add depth and make the details stand out.

In the editing process, look for specific tools or sliders that allow you to control the brightness and contrast of your photos. Increasing the brightness and contrast slightly can often bring out the hidden details and make your photos more visually appealing.

Enhancing Colors

Colors play a crucial role in photography, and enhancing them can give your photos that extra pop. With editing tools, you can adjust the saturation and vibrance of specific colors to make them more prominent or subdued. This allows you to create a specific mood or atmosphere in your images.

Experiment with the color editing tools available to you. Increase the saturation of vibrant colors to make them more vivid and captivating. Alternatively, reduce the saturation of certain colors to create a more muted and understated look. Find the right balance that best represents your artistic vision.

Maximizing Depth of Field

Depth of field refers to the range of distance in a photo that appears acceptably sharp. By manipulating the depth of field, you can create stunning effects that draw attention to specific subjects while blurring the foreground or background. Let’s explore some techniques to maximize the depth of field in your iPhone photos.

Creating Bokeh Effect

Bokeh refers to the aesthetic quality of the out-of-focus areas in a photo. It is achieved by using a shallow depth of field, which results in a smooth and creamy background blur. Bokeh can create a beautiful separation between the subject and the background, adding a sense of depth and visual interest to your photos.

To create a bokeh effect on your iPhone, utilize Portrait mode or third-party apps that offer a “Lens Blur” or “Depth” feature. These modes use computational photography to simulate a shallow depth of field and produce stunning bokeh effects. Experiment with different subjects and backgrounds to see how bokeh can transform your photos.

Using Portrait Mode

Portrait mode is a fantastic feature available on certain iPhone models that allows you to capture professional-looking portraits with ease. This mode utilizes depth mapping technology to create a shallow depth of field, resulting in a sharp subject and beautifully blurred background.

To use Portrait mode, open the Camera app and swipe until you find the Portrait mode option. Once selected, frame your subject and follow the on-screen prompts to ensure proper composition and lighting. Experiment with different lighting conditions and distances to achieve the desired bokeh effect in your portraits.

Adjusting Aperture in Third-Party Apps

Some third-party camera apps allow you to adjust the aperture manually, giving you full control over the depth of field. By working with a wider aperture (lower f-number), you can create a shallower depth of field that accentuates your subject and blurs the background. Conversely, a narrower aperture (higher f-number) will increase the depth of field, resulting in more of the scene being in focus.

Explore third-party camera apps that offer aperture control to achieve the desired depth of field effect. This manual control enables you to experiment with different levels of background blur and sharpness, adding a unique touch to your photos.

Utilizing Depth Apps

If your iPhone model doesn’t have Portrait mode, you can still achieve depth-of-field effects by utilizing depth apps. These apps use machine learning to analyze the scene and add artificial depth information, allowing you to adjust the depth of field in post-processing.

After capturing a photo, import it into a depth app of your choice. These apps will use the image’s depth information to create a simulated depth-of-field effect. You can then adjust the amount of background blur or sharpness to achieve your desired result. This technique enables you to add depth to any photo, regardless of whether it was taken in Portrait mode or not.

Capturing Action Shots

Action shots are exhilarating and can capture the energy and excitement of a moment. Whether you’re capturing sports, wildlife, or everyday moments of movement, these tips will help you capture the perfect action shot with your iPhone.

How To Take Good Iphone Photos

Using Burst Mode for Moving Subjects

Burst mode is a handy feature for capturing action shots, as it allows you to capture a burst of photos in rapid succession. When shooting moving subjects, such as a running dog or a jumping athlete, burst mode ensures you don’t miss the critical moment.

To use burst mode, press and hold the shutter button on your iPhone. Your iPhone will automatically capture a series of photos as long as you keep the button pressed. Once you’ve finished, you can go through the burst and select the best shots from the sequence.

Panning for Dynamic Shots

Panning is a technique where you follow the moving subject with your camera as it travels across your field of view. By panning, you create a sense of motion in the photo while keeping the subject relatively sharp.

To capture a dynamic panning shot, set your iPhone to burst mode and enable continuous autofocus. As the subject moves, smoothly pan your camera in the same direction, keeping the subject within the frame. Continue capturing the burst until the subject has passed. Review the burst photos afterward and select the image with the best combination of sharpness and motion blur.

Freezing Motion with Burst Mode

Burst mode isn’t just for capturing a sequence of motion; it can also help you freeze fast-moving subjects. When shooting subjects that move quickly, such as a speeding car or a flying bird, burst mode allows you to capture every detail and choose the perfect frame later.

To freeze motion with burst mode, ensure you have ample lighting or adjust your exposure settings accordingly. Press and hold the shutter button to engage burst mode, and your iPhone will fire off a series of shots. Review the burst photos afterward to select the image where the subject is frozen in motion, sharp and clear.

Adjusting Shutter Speed

Controlling the shutter speed can greatly influence how motion is captured in your photos. A faster shutter speed will freeze the action, while a slower shutter speed will create motion blur. Though manual control of shutter speed is not available in the iPhone’s native camera app, various third-party apps provide this capability.

Using a third-party camera app with manual exposure controls, you can adjust the shutter speed to freeze or blur motion. Experiment with different shutter speeds to achieve the desired effect for your action shots. A faster shutter speed is generally recommended for fast-moving subjects, whereas a slower shutter speed can add a sense of motion and dynamism to your photos.

Exploring Different Perspectives

Taking photos from different perspectives can add a unique and captivating element to your iPhone photography. By exploring alternative angles and viewpoints, you can discover new possibilities and create visually engaging images. Let’s delve into some exciting perspectives you can experiment with.

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Low-Angle Shots

Capturing low-angle shots can instantly change the way your subject appears in the photo. By shooting from a lower viewpoint, you can make your subject appear more imposing, powerful, or larger-than-life.

To capture low-angle shots, get down on the ground or lower your iPhone to a lower height. Look for interesting subjects or scenes that can benefit from a different perspective. This could be anything from towering buildings, tall trees, or even your pet’s playful antics. Don’t be afraid to get creative and see the world from a new angle.

Bird’s-Eye View

On the opposite end of the spectrum, a bird’s-eye view offers a fresh perspective that can highlight patterns, shapes, and interesting details. It involves shooting from a higher vantage point, allowing you to capture scenes from a unique and sometimes unexpected viewpoint.

To achieve a bird’s-eye view, elevate your iPhone by using a drone, stairs, or any elevated surface. Look for scenes or subjects that showcase interesting patterns, symmetry, or geometrical shapes. This perspective can be particularly effective when shooting landscapes, architecture, or crowded scenes.

Macro Photography

Macro photography allows you to capture the intricate details of small subjects, revealing a world often unnoticed by the naked eye. To capture stunning macro shots, an understanding of focusing distance, lighting, and composition is key.

To achieve macro photography with your iPhone, invest in specialized macro lenses or lens attachments. These lenses allow you to get extremely close to your subject while maintaining sharp focus. Look for subjects such as flowers, insects, or everyday objects and experiment with different angles and lighting conditions to capture their finer details.

Using Reflections

Reflections can add depth, interest, and a touch of magic to your photos. By incorporating reflections into your compositions, you can create a unique visual element that sets your photos apart.

To capture stunning reflections, seek out reflective surfaces such as water bodies, glass windows, or shiny objects. Position yourself in a way that allows the reflection to interact with your subject. The symmetry and juxtaposition of elements can create a visually captivating image that draws the viewer’s attention.

Creating Stunning Landscapes

Landscape photography captures the beauty of nature, showcasing breathtaking landscapes and stunning vistas. With your iPhone, you have the power to create stunning landscape shots that evoke a sense of awe and wonder. Let’s explore some tips and techniques to help you achieve stunning landscape photos.

Choosing the Right Time of Day

The right time of day can make a significant difference in landscape photography. The golden hour, which is the hour after sunrise and the hour before sunset, offers soft, warm light and long shadows that can enhance the mood and colors in your landscape shots.

During the golden hour, the angle of the sun is lower, providing a more dramatic and flattering light. Shadows become longer, adding depth and dimension to your photos. The warm, golden tones can also create a serene and magical atmosphere. Plan your landscape shoots during these times to capture the beauty of nature in its best light.

Utilizing the Panoramic Mode

The panoramic mode on your iPhone allows you to capture wide scenes and expansive landscapes in a single photo. This mode stitches multiple images together to create a seamless, panoramic image.

To use the panoramic mode, open the Camera app and swipe left or right until you find the Panorama option. Follow the on-screen instructions, and slowly pan your iPhone across the scene you want to capture. Keep the camera steady and move smoothly to ensure a seamless final image. This mode is particularly useful when capturing sweeping landscapes and scenic vistas.

Using HDR for Landscapes

HDR is a powerful tool in landscape photography, as it helps preserve detail in both the highlights and shadows of a scene with high dynamic range. By combining multiple exposures, your iPhone offers you a well-balanced image with enhanced details.

To use HDR for landscapes, open the Camera app and tap on the “HDR” option. Set it to “On” or “Auto” to let the iPhone determine when to use HDR based on the scene’s lighting conditions. This feature is especially useful when capturing landscapes with contrasting highlights and shadows, ensuring that no details are lost in challenging lighting situations.

Including a Foreground Element

To add depth and interest to your landscape photos, consider including a foreground element. This element can be anything from rocks, flowers, trees, or any other subject that lies in front of the main scene.

Adding a foreground element creates a sense of scale, leading the viewer’s eye from the front of the photo to the wonderful vistas in the background. It also adds depth, making your image more visually compelling. When composing the shot, position yourself to capture both the foreground element and the scenic background, taking care to maintain balance and harmony within the frame.

Tips for Better Portrait Photography

Portrait photography is all about capturing the essence of a person and showcasing their unique personality. With your iPhone, you can take incredible portraits that highlight the beauty and character of your subjects. Here are a few tips to help you achieve better portrait photography results.

Finding Flattering Lighting

Lighting is paramount in portrait photography, as it can dramatically impact the mood and appearance of your subject. To capture flattering portraits, look for soft and diffused lighting conditions.

Natural light during the golden hour (the hour after sunrise and the hour before sunset) offers a soft, warm glow that is perfect for portraits. The diffused light creates gentle shadows and brings out the natural beauty of your subject. Position your subject facing the light or slightly to the side for the most flattering results.

Utilizing the Portrait Mode

The Portrait mode on your iPhone is designed to create professional-looking portraits with a beautiful depth-of-field effect. It intelligently separates the subject from the background, creating a sharp subject and a pleasing background blur.

To use Portrait mode, open the Camera app and swipe until you find the Portrait mode option. Frame your subject and ensure there is enough distance between your subject and the background. Follow the on-screen prompts to capture stunning portraits with a professional touch. Experiment with different lighting conditions and distances to achieve the desired effect.

Posing Your Subjects

Posing is an essential aspect of portrait photography as it can convey a specific mood or evoke a particular emotion. When directing your subjects, provide them with gentle guidance and make them feel comfortable in front of the camera.

Encourage natural and relaxed poses that showcase their personality. Experiment with different angles, body positions, and head tilts to capture their best side and express their individuality. Remember to provide clear instructions, but also allow for spontaneous moments that can result in candid and authentic portraits.

Using Portrait Editing Tools

After capturing a portrait, take advantage of the editing tools available to refine and enhance your photos further. The Portrait mode provides additional editing capabilities that allow you to adjust the background blur intensity and even change the depth-of-field effect after the photo is taken.

Open the Photos app, select the portrait you want to edit, and tap on the “Edit” button. From there, you can adjust the depth-of-field slider to control the background blur or change the lighting effects. These editing tools help you achieve a more customized and professional look for your portraits.

With these tips and techniques, you’re now equipped with the knowledge to capture stunning photos using your iPhone’s camera. Whether you’re shooting landscapes, portraits, or action shots, remember to experiment, be creative, and have fun. The more you practice and explore different features and perspectives, the more your iPhone photography skills will grow. So go out there, embrace your creativity, and capture the world through your iPhone camera lens. Happy shooting!